Eventually she will gave up.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Hellojello! Early in the morning, nothing much. Woke up, and dad sent. As usual. Dragged myself to school, managed to take the double decker bus. Wanted to head of the bus crowded, while I was inside looking at the outside people, something caught my eye. Its him. He was squeezing in some people, and went from the back gate. Just nice, I also walk, before that infront of me there were like alot of people. Then as I walked muchmuch infront, lesser. And it looks as if, Wenwei and I are only using the freaking pavements. Since I was behind him, he didnt turned back. lucky me. Walked to the canteen also same, I walked behind him. Smiled to Meiying, before that I know Wenwei said something to Tricia. I was seriously just behind him, like a boss. It was nice going to school with him, well indirectly till he had to separate ways. haish. chehh. Rushing to do my maths, then the whole canteen staring at afiq for tebalik the table. Shaziq face damn epic, I was waving at Zakiyah with alot of enthusiasm and my eyes were on shaziq's well for awhile. He stared sia, hahaha. Then he looked away. Assembly, homeroom. I dont like. Then whole gang came out from field, so cool. He saw me, that Salman step cool only. He stopped by at amirah's class for while then, when I walked pass only he quickly walk away with his friend. Madam rukshana biased! She let me do my homework but not the rest of the people. See so good to be in environment club. Bluek. After that maths, wanted to pass by their class since they had literature. When maths almost ended wah, My blood pressure damn high. Wenwei texted Jiahwee, asking her to tell me this.
Him : Eh tell zahidah! Cb she tell afiqah I tell the whole class de?!! Nb dont know dont anyhow say la!! Now they angry at me!!
Wah, He scold me uh? Or like angry thats why he scold? I read this, I swear I wanted to go up to him face to face and bloody scold him. (since he know he cant face me) hehehe. So I replied.
Me : Eh zahidah here, wtf. She anyhow twist my words, bloody fuck. okay la fine, whatever la k. I dont give a shit, if you believe then whatever uh. I no time blackmail you also.
Something like that, I forgot what I send, but yeah. He didnt replyyyy. woo! I mean, why cant he do it personally and send it to my handphone instead? Jiahwee went to mother tongue and she talked to him. Jia Hwee asked, "eh somethingsomething, I got hack her account luh I ever see, she never say like that" then he reply, "wah! Cina hacker, then say what thing uh. i forgot xD" Atfirst he thought Jiahwee hacked his account, but till Jiahwee said properly then he like "ohr" Ohoh! Omg, Lerwei got ask her who I like~ hehehe, Jiahwee told me. Lerwei was like, " eh who zahidah like uh?" then got this lao apek kpo, he say, 'I dont like anyone la' kpo kia. Nobody ask him right? then he kpo. Recess! I sat down, turned to my left, oo its him. We happen to look at each other at the same time, he look at me like I owe him money sia. Ahbeng kia. The way he sit like so wide, I stare back and rolled my eyes while looking away. fuh! He was with lerwei, I bought drink. I daydreaming looking straigh and shaziq's back was facing me, till he happened to turn and saw me when I was actually looking at him, then I act as if i was innocent and gave him the pokerface while trying to look away. Second time i did the same thing, but I rolled my eyes. LOL. Cute sia! Then Joey kate pat Joey, yang kalau satu hari mereka berdua together kembali? macam mana? lol. hehehe. Saw meiying, I shout I love you she can hear, then I say some other thing she like deaf only. xP DNT KENA BULLIED. So pro, Zakiyah claims that Rezuan likes me. I mean, he barely knows me. And I think she hates me cause Rezuan likes me, I mean. Its not like I ask him to right? hmm. Im still wondering why, those bitches put the blame on him just cause im his fucking ex. grrr.
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