Friday, 23 September 2011
Early in the morning, alamak! Late again, so daddy send me to school. When i drove pass Izak, I wanted to wave at him, instead since my car drove forward I accidentally smiled at Patrick. Wtf? I was somehow early, since he havent reached yet. I was talking about my subjects when he came walking pass about 30minutes later. Talked to Jiahwee, This Idiot think too much negative thoughts. Bell rang, and had to go to the parade square, I was near the dusbin so I had to walked straight mah, and then the freaking column block me and I cannot see who. So I walked, And I almost clashed into him, yknow he could have continued walking behind me right? But instead to avoid me, he walked the other way and changed his direction. I caught myself smiling, I can see him from my view. Salman as always, kept looking at me. So our first period was PE, same as him. I saw some of his classmates walking the other direction, dnt block. I figured they're gonna be there so yay! but when i walked to the indoor sports hall. wtf, 5 classes all there. including him. He was already there, sitting on the railing talking to Lerwei. And then I came in talking to Jiahwee, Making her feel better. Hugged her and stuff, when i wanted to talk to Izak, Izak's back was facing him so I went forward and talk to Izak. omg, when I wanted to look at him, I already caught him looking at me. when I was talking to Izak. omg, so happy! hahaa. After all that, Me and My girls slacked one corner, near the railing there talking about ghost stories and gossiping as always. Bloody ball, always hit my face -.- Embarassing sia! Its the 213's ball also, then That andrew always disturb me cause I was afraid of the ball. Damnit. I disturbed lerwei before that, he damn quiet sia. then He like smilesmile, acting cute. hehe. After all that soccer thing, 213 went out first, Just nice. Me and him walked pass beside each other but at that point of time I was talking to Ifaaf. Im like, "yknow he still keep his iloveyou" something like that, something that has to do with love shit. Purposely uh :P hahahaha. English, and then Recess~ Literature me and Ravi camwhore like crazy. I keep on bastard-ing him with yasmina, and he was like " AH? WHAT? WENWEI?" wah fuck, both purposely. Only me and Him were the noisest ones. Half way, Ifaaf and jiahwee all facebooking I also join in the end. After literature, Jiahwee asked if I wanted to follow and accompany her to his class, so I did. shit, he was like talking talking and I saw Jem. my hands were trembling and I was tweeting some shit. ehehe. Like shiok only. going back to my class only, I tapped Salman on the shoulder. then his whole class disturb him, LOL. yaaay! hehehe. then I I asked, Miss Parvin if we can help find for her the classes. Then yeah we did, First class was 301 near there, then 302 I think block D. So we kinda purposely walk their class, and like we talktalk quite loud. Then 303, we walked pass their class again. The first time got! but I forgot for what, then the second time, and lastly the third. Wanted to walk for the forth time, But like so obvious. So we didnt, So free~ the third time, Jem looked outside and tried to peek! Like damn obvious. yeah, so after that we makan and shit and headed back home. I bought a new pink bag for school. woo~ hehee.
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