What do i feel?
Thursday, 15 September 2011
HiHiHiHi! Today, woke up and then went to school. Daddy sent me. So yeah, reached school, got in and the first person I saw today was... Thian Junjun! lol. So yeah, I walked pass him, I kept staring at him, and then when I turned to look at the table. Apparently, the little brother came too. Seems early eh? Walked into the canteen, didnt see Mei ying anywhere, So I headed with Izak. I turned my head, Just in time bby' he too turned. While a glance though cause I just came, together with Salman. Well for that dude, Im not surprised. Sat beside Izak, well he knows Izak. Both of us joke around for a few seconds and shit, then I moved to Amirah. Waved at Meiying. Potato & Adenan bullied me, Yknow what they do? they went to see my pictures, when I say dont ichy finger touch my ipod. Then they go in they seesee, at first say want to look at Apps. Then, they went to see. I screamed like mad woman, I dont know who stare uh. But bestfriend walked pass and bought drink, then they were like talking about me. Okayyyy. So yeah, must head up to class, since it was raining. Well sort of. So yeah, I walked through the field there, as always together with Amirah since her class was there. His whole gang too, He saw me and quickly walked together with Salman. Me and Amirah still walking, then We see like at first they want to go the stairs near the field, then Wenwei was like pushing the rest and asking them go the other stair case, then Salman want to go this staircase. Got me mah. lool. So yeah, blahblahblah, Went down for mother tongue, walkingwalking. Their class just got release from the other side, I see his head, so tall o.o Last time he damn short very cute sia. Like Junmin height now so tall and giant like soo.. err. Okay so, uhm I walk purposely slowly uh. As always, I tried to turn behind superb failure. So yeah, I walkwalk, then I want to see also cannot shitz. After that mother tongue, then bell rang, I walked to IH normal route. Saw amal, then his face from laughing to pokerface when he saw me. i wonder why, then Aishah walked pass me and was like, " eh kau suke amal eh?" Im like, AH OK. then I walked away, lol. Somemore that time, I wasnt wearing contacts, so cannot see~ then Jiahwee told me what happen. Annoying bitches lah they, Mind ya own business. Why am I always the main topic for your freaking class uh? Thian wenwei. But Kinda good uh, It makes sure that you wont be able to forget me. ehehhee. So yeah, I hope Salman is okay. ahhahahaha, cheh. Uhm, Recess. I walked pass their whole gangs table, I didnt see any of them and Just find for zakiyah. before that, we were making a song for salman. AHAHAHA, funny. So yeah, Then blahblahblah.
Me : ' I wonder if amal and all looked at me when I walked pass them just now '
Ifaaf : ' they did '
Me : ' what? seriously? who?'
Ifaaf : ' All. '
Me : ' Wenwei? Amal? Salman?'
Ifaaf : ' yup, then that fat dude was like 'gi layan uh' to you but then you didnt seem to hear it '
Me : ' wah like cool only '
zomgg, hahaha. So yeah, I bought food then amal infront, he turned his face then he saw me. He never talk to me, damnit.I feel bad for Amal, like people now tease him cause of him. gah! anyways, Recess. Ifaaf & Amirah was like laughing at Bestfriend the way he opens his food then tried to put on the plate but failed. Serious shit cute. I tried to not laugh or to not look, but it was irresistable. So yeah, I laughed in the end. After that PE, omg Wenwei take out his shoes. Like so hot sia, His legs. I likey. Anyways, PE. Roll here and there, funny part. was when Rezuan thought I really did kissed Ifaaf, his reaction. Yu van knows my name. ahh. Then suddenly dhashwiniy came out and called me pretty? and then the whole 213, Like Salman came out. Jiahwee told me, they were shouting Amal's name. He went out but I didnt notice. Yknow what? Never roll on the freaking field again! Got ants, then ichy sia my head. I go and shampoo my hair, then the dead small ant came out. Disgusting shit. So yeah, Afiqah all there, and urgh annoying. So yeah, walked passed their science class. mei ying said, they were like ' amal! zahidah ' then Salman keep quiet. hahaha, kesian. So yeah maths lesson. OMG, Meiying! listen. Junmin damn funny, he wenwei salman amal come out then I dont know lah what they do. Then Junmin want to go over to us right? to walk the other side then he did the 'swimming' action. And was like, 'make way make way' hahahahahah. when he actually just stand there do that action never even move. Jiahwee was like, " OMG! what junmin doing sia?! " We both laughed. Behind him was wenwei. He saw me ^^ cause he went out of the class then turn his head towards the other direction, I was staring at Salman. Salman kept looking at me, then he turned. woo~ Me likey. Then wenwei wanted to go over, cause our class like occupying the whole pavement then at first he walk, she thought his friend behind then he paiseyh he walked back to his class. Second time then he walk with junmin ah, that time. Then he walk then ravi bastard, " EH WENWEI, walk this way la " *points near me* I looked away. Damnit never see his reaction, grr! So yeah, had class test. then Science, and then back home. I saw his whole gang coming from DNT room. I saw salman, Salman saw me. I saw wenwei also, I think he did, cause he was suppose to come to this direction. Can see sia, then I dont know where he walk. He go from the behind canteen, then Im at the biometric there, staring saw Salman turned. HHAHAHAHA.Walked to the bus stop, Saw Jun! Something happen to me and him, something to do with abit of Jiahwee. Shh! Secret, ehehhe. Uhm yeah, then I waitingwaiting, Saw Jarett and gang walked passed I thought got shaziq. Then disappointed uh, A few minutes later then got Shaziq o.o Before that i was like, "sekali got shaziq uh" then Ifaaf was like, " eh shaziq" I didnt believe her, His ears he go listen to earpiece, then I thought he meeting up with Jarett. But he instead sat down at the bench. Amirah sat beside him, Ifaaf then me. Amirah was like, " we should change sit " walao. Take train with him also, before that i went quite far from him, then Amirah purposely went to talk to him then Potato also go disturb him. alamak, then must go take same cabin as him, Amirah and all went to him. I alone there, sitting. Resisting. I dont know what, then they laugh here and there. woo,Shaziq looked at me direction, step like nothing happen then look away. hmm. He got of at tampines, and then Potato was alone. Im like, " aiya, next time you ajak shaziq la then got friend " then potato was like, " ya uh! I go take his bag then ask him stay hehe " ate at magic wok and shit, Amirah was like " I think u like shaziq more than wenwei " wah at that point of time, I dont know. Seriously, when she said that Im like. uhm.......... I dont know. This shitty feeling again, so confused. And no, My crush for Amal has fade away. Somehow, annoying bitches disturb my life. go and die tits.
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