Come back?

Thursday, May 19 2011
Woke up, kinda late. Ooops, Daddy's fault, didnt wake me up. Reached school, Reached canteen. He was there. At first he was facing my side. Till I came and he turned to another, weirdd. Whatever, Dont give a shit. So Assembly, everyone sat. fuck, I turned. Same row againn. bitchbitchbitch, and I turned to Amirah. my bby! She gave me that face. Im like, whaaaaaaaat. hahahahaha, okay so. yeah, Ifaaf was behind. We chatted and shit. Then Madam Rubiah came and was like, "Zakiyah, stop it" Something like that, then me and him. Well. Me, wanted to look at madam rubiah and yeah. My head turned left and straight, and I caught him looking at my direction. hehehehe. wait, There was this awkward moment eye-to-eye thing. He didnt look happy, I was kinda poker-face-ing all the way. Then I turned to amirah, I told her what happen. She laughed. and was like, tstktsk. Kau eh. HAHA. So like, first period PE. Me and Jiahwee damn cute, go toilet and. err, hehehehe. Shit :p ICT. Jengjengjeng, No wait. It was English. I got fucking 53/100 ? Power. hahahaha, Recess. Ravi was like talking about Fazeela. So cute. Science, I got 46/100. Fucking 4marks gone, Same as maths. Maths, clashed with his class. Great. Awesum, awww. His smile. How adorable. Ifaaf was like spreading me with glitter. *ching. Mothertongue, I passed. Duh, I mean. Who the hell would fail mothertongue :x HAHAA. After school, Went down. Fuck, someone farted at the freaking staircase. Smelly. ooo, look. Him. Again. whatever. Took the bus, Went up. shit, so crowded. Sat with Wei Xiang at first, then I changed sit with Darren and we started talking :) Bestfriend behind, He was so quiet when I came. Or not he would be like, noisy? So went down, Took the MRT. And look bestfriend was there, Before that. I walked pass him and was like, " Darren, You'll be my new Bestfriend k? " I think he heard that. lool. So went up, talked to darren while i was in the mrt, he stopped at Simei. So I walked to Ifaaf that side, and was like. " HI! " And started saying, " yknow what? Darren my new bestfriend :D " Ifaaf was beside him, which before that I didnt see. Till my eyes looked to the side, he was there. Oops. Okay, maybe i sengaje. But, whatever. He went off after that, amirah was like. " Before you came, he was all noisy till you came, He kept totally quiet " I kinda shed a few tears. Ate at Magic Wok with them, Ifaaf went back after a hugeee tummy ache. Me and amirah had an awesum talk together, Aww my Girl BFF. Iloveherlaahh, I can talk to her about absolutely anything. and She totally understands me. Babe! Iloveyouuu. 18th forever :B
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