Taking chances.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Early in the morning, Lets skip to everything. I made the perfect gift for Joshuah En Lim. My Bestfriend :) Hopes he likes it. His birthday's tomorrow. wee, Hahahhaa. Anyways, Lets skip to assembly. He was all the way at the back, I am too. I was like chasing Madeer, asking him to try the sweet. He likes it :B Hahaha. After that, i think he knew im gonna sit behind. So He moved infront, I mean. He used to be with Salman and the other dudes. But he's right there. With the girls. Amirah, was like freaking crazy today. So Skip to everything. You know whats Ironic? During Ishine, had free period ah. So like after Ishine, was asked to meet Miss Parvin at Library, we walked pass. Jiahwee's yknow-who class, I thought it was her him le! :x We went down already, then wanted to confirm. So we were outside the glass panel of the library, Laughing like some retarded fool uh. We turned suddenly, then got some dude waving you know. I look and look and look, and it was, His brother. Jia Hwee shocked uh, then she laugh like some idiot. I also. I was like damn blurr laa, So paiseyh please. But you know whats more weird? We were talking about him before that, awkwardddddddd siol. HAHA, then something happen to JiaHwee. Aww, He was like turning to see her face sia. I take chopper than you know, cheh. So mean. So like yeah, after class. FUUUUUCK. its was him, Im like damn (@&!(#&!#. After we talked about him also, the exact same thing happen. Oh! I drew something also, and we sort of vandalised the table :B wooops. And we were like, Imagining sia. What will happen if we got married to them. HAHAHAHAHAHHA. LOL. Blahblahblah, Hang-ed out with My Babygirls! :) Ifaaf,JiaHwee,Thila & Amirah/ Had so much fun, We ate lunch together than dessert. Hahahaha, we talked alot. So All three went back. Me and Amirah, were like talking about Fate. He's been avoiding me lately, maybe thats how he moved on.
What if, you were really meant for me? Look. I mean, its been awhile since we both had a 'special' someone in our lifes. The last person you had was, me. And The last person I had was, you. Im just giving myself High hopes. Cause I know, He's just waiting for the right person to step into his life.
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