People tend to come and go.

Tuesday, May 24 2011
hahaha, Hi! Woke up, late again. why? tired. Daddy sent me to school, and yeah. I sat with thila, He came suddenly. Nowadays he always come like, seven plus? when i normally would see him coming earlier or something. wait, why the fuck..? okay nvm. Bell rang, I went up with thila to the staircase. when i turned to go up, He was beside me. I looked at him like O.O then i covered my face. I have no idea why i did so, Thila was like. giggle, I was like. "shit, yknow?" Then shes like, " Of course I know!" damnit -.-I looked up, whaaaaat? Bestfr was there looking down. Okay walk and walk, sat down. Turned, oh looky! Bestfriend same row, argh -.- Ridha was like asking for tissue, super annoying la. I think he gave one to him though. okay whatever, Adnan infront of me again! youknowwhat? He was making fun of me, mostache thingy. wthhh, oh i turned I saw me crush, eeks! I smiled at him, he smiled back. Amirah was like, Eh bird! I gave her that look, so yeah. Akmal and all are making a band, They put me as the manager :P AHHAHA, Amirah P.a personal assistant, we firgured she and adnan would be great together! loool. Okay so first period was mathematics, boring as usual. Mother tongue, erm. yeah still boring as usual. Recess was fun! I ate milo ballzz. hahahaha, Zakiyah and Ridha was like competing. But actually zakiyah did it first, like a boss. She throw and then she eat, ballz kept rolling out. And stuff like that, the uncle scold me. oops. Me and sabrina was like talking about something, I think bestf. It was loud when i said his name. oops. After that was Ishine, eeks! saw my crush again. He smiled and wave and we sort-of talk. LOL. ahhh~ okay so, English and all was slacking and texting, We had assembly, The drama club presented a play. The second play reminds me of someone, loool. hehehehe. Amirah, If you know ;) I looked hehehe. I was giving the 'bleh' face. Texting Joel at that point of time, he was bragging to me about aircon room. After Assembly here comes the best part. Okay so, lets call my crush. J okay? hahaha, So J was outside the hall. With well, 'him' duh. I think they were waiting for their friends, I went down from the other side and he came down from the other one. So yeah, While walking straight. He was walking at my direction when i was walking towards his. I covered my mouth, when he walked passed. FREAKING SCAR LA. omg. then, In his cliques, there was Salmon, Frog, another one Am something. HAHAHA. so like, yeah there was him. I walked passed, I smiled at him. He smiled at me, there was this chicky smile. It was kinda a long thing uh. Am was like looking at me and him for smiling at each other, LOL. yknow what? He texted me, and i told him it was awkward. Then i was like, Luckily he didnt see me smiling at him. And he replied, The bad thing was, Am went to told him that I was smiling at J. And he's reaction? He laughed and he looked away. whoaa. But i like that part, shows something. But before that, When J looked at me, he was looking down blushing then after that. after fully walking pass him, He then turned back. AWWW. okay. I melted. OH YA, after music test? I'll make this short. We finished eating at constant K. and yeah, We talked about them as usual. Well, me and Jiahwee. After finishing our food, from afar we saw our school unifrom, a DUDE. at first I thought it was him, but it was his BRO. OMG, I wasnt panicking. Yknow who was. hahahaa, We were using the umbrella to cover. But damn failed. And my eyes were like one sided cause pain. Then the bro was like, " hey! why did you guys came here? you wanna see my bro uh?" then i was like," No, we went to eat. He's swimming" then he was like, " OH YA, you should go and see his six packs." "Iknow la he got" "How you know? youve seen it?" "Yeah, I did" HAHAHA joking" -walks off sending Jiahwee. She damn shocked la, she melted :p cause someone smiled. LOL. Then i walk back, He was still teasing me about me and his bro. OMG, im over itttttttttt~ gahhh #)!*)!(*#!#.
Eventhough, he's not goodlooking. I guess, he's really a nice guy. Whatever, I dont wanna take advantage of love anymore.
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