You let go so easily, how?

I think too much and then put myself in a bad mood.
yknow what I hate? Everytime I mention someones name. They will tend to appear, wtf?
urgh, I fucking know right. I should just accept the fact that he's over me, He built a fucking bridge and got over it. And I would and should not think further. Well, atleast. Im still trying to move, Well. Its not like I've stopped or anything. But yeah, I've moved on. Not fully, not.. half. But I dont know, maybe a quater. Wait, yeah. Maybe, Wait. Im confident. Truthfully, Im just leaving it all to fate. Im not gonna do anything about it. If it happens, let it be. For starters, I dont secretly look at him anymore, seriously. Hahahaha, yaaay! Slowly. And my heart doesnt skip a beat, when I see him. Though I panic alittle. Well abit. I dont make it THAT obvious that im pretty-much-in-love with him. yaaay! Progress. woo. Whatever, sooner or later. Im gonna get over it, I promise. It just takes time. I believe, feelings fade. Like how, He's for mine. And One day, one fine fucking one day. You're gonna realise it. and fucking regret it.
Wednesday, May 11 2011
Today? woke up at 6. oh shit, Im late. For what? oh, study. ahahhaa, I meant at the canteen uh. Ive been studying this past few days. And I hope I passed my midyear, I wanna achieve my dream to be a VJ. ahhahaa, no seriously. So yeah, I woke up. Daddy made me Nutella with Bread, yumm. He sent me to school, aww. sweets. hahaha, I got so high today, and yeah. cause of what? Coffee. wtff. Oh look, he came. I was studying with Ben first. Then yeah, He came. Ifaaf was infront of him. I walked to MeiYing's table after that, and Ifaaf came so I disturbed her. While studying, While i was doing my work. His friend, the indian one. Was pointing, I think at me uh. I think, I dont know. But It was directly in my face from afar. And I caught him looking? Nahh, Impossible. See! I should really stop this. Why the hell would he glance at me? godd. Blahblahblah, During assembly, so freaking hot. The three musketeers had to stand, kena scolded. lool, Oh look, there is he. ahh, Looking at them too. Then when i look straight, both of us look towards each other. But it wasnt on purpose. I didnt know too, In my head. Words kept whispering, "leave it to fate.. when it happens.. just let it happen.." so yeah, blahblahblahblahblah. Exams shit, and stuffs like that. We waited for Meiying for so long, Before that we of course talked. And he walked past. He stared at Ifaaf, and was like, "short~" oh god, the voice. At that point of time, I have NO idea why. I was covering my face. I guess, to prevent me from looking at him. Weird thing was, We were talking about him before that and he appeared. Me and Jiahwee, also talked about Marcus and He appeared. I talked about Ashaakir, and he also appeared. You see what I mean? Coincidence? Pretty much. Its either if i talk about the person, or think about him. He would come. ahh whatever. We went to K after that, Ate and shits like that. Some fucking pedophile smiled at us and called us pretty. wth? And I ran first, So afraid he would follow. hahaha, yeah. Walked past his house, urgh. Shouldnt have done that. Im gonna blog about the other few days, but it'll be summarised. kbyee. xoxo.
Tuesday, May 10 2011
So like yeah, yesterday. The day before, uhm. Nothing much happened but, we went out with Akid. And stuffs like that, He's been disturbing me about him. Saying what shit, Equations and stuff. And it was infront of.. the girl who likes him. Im sorry :( He didnt know. Non stop laaa, He mention his name and shit. and yeah, blahblahblah. okaaaay whatever. kbyee. xoxo.
Monday, May 9 2011
Hey, Its the holidays~ yaaay. yeah, for a day that is. Went out with Jiahwee and sham. We went to Stadium at starbucks. Both of us, we're talking about his bro and shit like that. I was thinking about him, & YKNOW WHAT. HE CAME. We were drawing and doing our work and, "ehh, Heyy! what are you guys doing here" I was like, Shaking JiaHwee's hand, and shes like," what?" ahahhahahahhaa, so funny uh my reaction. Was from concentrating to.. O.O and I didnt say anything for the first time. Sham and I disturbed JiaHwee, She like blushing. ahhaha, We walked around town, ate mac. and stuff, and yeah. Some girl, she went out to the wrong station. She went to their place instead. I LOL-ed non-stop. I think she's thinking too much :p hahahha, kbyee. xoxo.
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