Let's leave it to fate.

Dear bitch, If you want him. Get him. You dont need to hate me cause of it, or purposely flirt infront of me by screaming his name. Its not gonna make me jealous, If u think it would cause I dont care anymore, He's from my past. Im serious, Its just annoying. Get a life. And Obviously, You're just using them. Sad.. Loner. Bitch. xoxo, me :)
If its meant to be, It will be.
Dear you, After talking to you. I totally had confidence in my studies, I mean. I can finally concentrate, And I dont need to fake my smiles no longer. Atleast I know what you feel right now, See. Even the smallest thing, Can make me smile even if It's just a word. Seriously, I've been smiling to myself all morning & People look at me like Im some kind of freak. thanks.
PS : Im wearing that smile you gave me :)
Dear bestfriend, Yupp. Im still missin' ya. I mean those times, It does still made me laugh even if i just think about it for a sec. If only you were still here, you would know how im feelin'. Guess you're the only dude, who knows me best eh? well, not anymore.
Thursday, May 5 2011
Woke up at five, reason why? I studied all night yesterday for IH and seriously, really. NOTHING CAME OUT K. alamak so pissed off siol. Lucky, I can do. Abit uh. But I woke up early, to study together with MeiYing&JiaHwee :) I came to school with a huge smile on my face, In the bus texting Sham. I was literally smiling to myself since.. Idk. Wait, Since I was bathing. hahaha, cause why? yeah, yesterday he talked to me. wee. Eleh, stakat. Mader was inside triple two, and he was like, " EH, why we always take same bus uh? -__-" tskk sia he. hahahaa, so like yeah. Headed to canteen, wee. Sat down already, and discussing about IH. oh look! He just came to school. Cause I was sitting side ways, I was like panic-king uh. WAITWAIT. I think I know why, I was so hyped in school today. My dad gave me coffee, now then i remember! -.- whaaaaaaaat. He sat with his group, well my table was like 4 tables away, or isit 3? Idk. cannot be bothered. He sat there, and then he suddenly changed his seat to the side wall. Im like, okaaaaaay. I wasnt looking at him though, But when Ifaaf came and hugged me and shit. We did the 'happy dance' by literally jumping around in the canteen like retarded toads :D I was like, " IFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I need to tell u something!!" It was loud, and he was a few tables away. I kinda abit looked at him from my side, when i was jumping. He looked at me, but then he looked away after seeing me look at him. weirrrrrrrrrrd. Whatever laah. So like yeah, It was weird. I damn stupid, parade square. I asked the imports to sit, then Miss Parvin rushed me to sit also. I wanted to sit at the back, thenn, BAM. he beside me. Pro or what, same row. -__- luckily JiaHwee behind me. omg, His smile. Wait. i wasnt looking, JiaHwee distracted me. And I was smiling retardedly to myself. AGAIN. Today was funn, Did alot. Ate alot. Went back home. Yesterday, was really really weird. I was sending off sabrina to her class, looking at the sky from the side of the corridor cause I needed to get down from the fourth floor, had to pass his class. I thought he was in his class, reason why I was looking at the other direction. I was singing, Nobody's Perfect - Jessie J. I think that song has been stuck in my head since.. Idk, eversince I've been listening to it. HAHAA. So yeah, I turned only. He was there. Infront of my fast, from --> ^.^~ to O.-" yeah. yupp, and I just rolled my eyes, He did the same. He's like so tall now, I feel so short. Meiying was behind him, hahahaha. So cute, C:
Cant believe a close-friend of mine, called me amazing, Really im not fishing for compliments but I just cant imagine people looking at me in that way. Imagining people wanting to be you. Thanks alot.
Ifaaf, Amirah. Sorry I havent been going out with you guys lately, :/
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