Set him free.

Erm, well yeah. Sometimes I do. Well sometimes. Whenever I see you around, I wanna go up to you, poke you and say," Hey. I miss you." Hahaha, weird. I know, But I dont have the guts to. I wouldnt know how to react anyways. & I wouldnt wanna see how you would. So whatever.
Blogging about friday, :)
Friday, May 13 2011
Woke up at erm, 545 as always. Daddy made food, sent me to Mrt. With my oh-so-dull face, cause, I dont know. I was moody. Till I got in, and Im like O.O EEEEEEEEKS! LucasChiaManHon. -inserts hearts- He's infront of me, Ohyeah. He's my crush since primary school, still crushing. He looked at me, Smiled and waved. My heart was like, beating damn fast please. And I did the same and waved back. I acted all cool. When I actually took his picture, LOL. Heyy, Its a freaking good start to my day. & I was all smiles. After getting out of the train, I was still smiling surprisingly. Patrick sat beside me in the bus, loool. I reached school, Sat with Meiying, and I started smiling. And I got crazy, hahahahaa. Tricia was looking at me, giving the look. the,"wtf? Is she retarded look." and Juliana, was smiling and looking at me freaking out. Meiying asked me what happened. And I told her, and started laughing. oh god. The table beside, was his table. He havent reached yet. Oh he came, he walked past. Well, I didnt know, I then started lying down on the bench and laugh and screamed to myself, According to Tricia. He was looking? Yeh, at how crazy I was. Smiling. My whole face was red, and pink. Blushing, oh god. Lucas, you made me go crazy~ Hyper and loud. For today, Last paper for maths. I hope I can pass and get a fucking B3. So I could go upfront into Miss Teh's face and say, "PROBLEM?" hahahahahaa. If not, I'll give her the pokerface. urghh, so like yeah. After maths, had recess. blahblahblah, Music paper. Ohgod, after that walked to Trop. Shit. He was there, I didnt know. He's friend, was staring at me. That dude... He always do that. Whenever he sees me around.. I wonder if he knows about our past. hmm. We went to airport, well yeah. Cocoa tree, remember? near the JellyBean place, you were behind me. Holding my hand. My friends, were taking some chocolate. Bestf, merajok cause you always spend your time with me and not him. 8october, the date. The date when we met banjo, hahaaa. Took pictures together. awwwww. I miss everything.
I've not been thinking about him for the past few days, and I think I can do it! :)
Slowly, Well. Its been 6months, I'll get over it. I wanna know. How did you.. you get over it?
I hate how, I gotta avoid the places we used to hang out. I guess, Its the memories eh?
Stopped looking at him and all. Zahidah, it takes time. But maybe, apart of me will always be waiting for him even if I were to move on.
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