gah! I hate this feeling. Its like, I dont know actually. Never say never & 500daysofsummer. Their tragedy all begins on the 8 of June/January. See, everything reminds me of you. Or probably bestfriend too. I dont know whats wrong with me sometimes, I know I got my friend's back but everytime I feel down or sad or jealous. I dont know really. Whenever I see them with a guy, always going back to school/home together or going out together. It always reminds me of how it was when I'm with those two idiots. I know, I have no right to feel or to say anything, but it sometimes occur to me. Like why must crap and bullshit happen to me, where's my happy moments? I miss them. Everywhere I go, I see couples. Sheena with Irfan J, Ifaaf and Aron, Amirah and Potato, Zakiyah and Ridzuan, Sabrina and Syabaan, Sabrina and Putra, Fazira and Tarmidzi, Atiqah and Anis. Even some random dude and girl also?! Right infront of me. Maybe sometimes I prefer to be left alone, or probably just go back home. I guess this is all, qadak dan qadar. Its meant to happen.
Thursday, August 25 2011
Woke up in the morning, coincidentally met up with Ifaaf. My fringe was fuck'd up. So I couldnt be bothered, waited outside the bus cause we saw Amirah. She got down and was like, "eh, he just walk pass" loool, Early in the morning I thought who. But yeah, its him. Surprisingly walked pass me, But I didnt realise. So yeah, headed to the canteen and we sat. wooo, Amirah suddenly went to Jarett. like what? I wanted to go there till I realise there was shaziq and I purposely went to Meiying there. Or else super awkward please. So yeah, I talked to amirah all, laughed here and there. He went away, somewhere. I dont really care, and then came back with a drink. tsk, never fast. How like that? cheh, and went up back to the hall. Sat down riiiight infront, cause madam rukshana ordered us too. yayy! Super cooperative. After assembly, had mother tongue. So yeah, teacher talktalktalk in the end do as homework. woots. Bell rang, I didnt managed to see him though so I went to IH lesson. Boring or what, me and Jiahwee as always. Gossip about the two brothers. Recess, Walked passed Shaziq. I was wondering where he could have been, and then poof! at the drink stall, alamak almost clashed into my face. A few metres away~ so yeah. Headed to the cricket pitch, and then sat down wooo. He was sitting on the grass and eating with his friend. Suddenly he idk what, friend went to bully him. And so He push him to ground and then he say, " SAY SORRY BOSS " "waitwait " " SAY, SORRY THIAN WENWEI ". I found a bear when i went up the hall that time. It was wearing the Alphine shirt, I imagined it was him. hehehe. So I kpo i say to the bear, " SORRY *whispers* thian wenwei " zomg, then Mr ryan neo come and crap and ask the guys to go away to practise the freaking drilling fire. Then he was standing at the pillar there, Idk something ask me to turn. So I turn and then WEEEE got eye contact for like 2minutes? With his usual face, and then Im like o-o and then I look away. He did too, after that. Super awkward. He looked I swear, well coincidentally though. PE was just about to start and then poof! Bell rang everyone hurried down to the field. Freaking hot like crazy, I open umbrella only people all look at me. Even him, with his chinese eyes like that -.- cause of the sun, and then he turned to face yanney when mr ryan neo is just right infront of him, he could have looked straight. So yeah, Shaziq looked too. He was laughing, superb cute lah. Then Amirah gave me the -.- face. Before that, this Daniel look at me and shout at him like, " EH WENWEI SIT PROPERLY LA " something like that, hahahahhaha. After all that, We went to the hall. At first I was sitting rigggght infront with Izak, and then I sat at the back cause I wanna sit with Amirah. They seem like so fun like that. I kpo. Mr ryan neo, showed the video clip. "happy feet" and then yeah, we watched. Adnan kept on disturbing me, and right infront of me? Thian wenwei. and Daniel. Daniel turned and then he smiled at me. So yeah, we were dismissed at 1235, had to went back to our just now class. Which was uhm, PE? at the cricket pitch? Me and Jiahwee purposely wanted to walk at the science class their one there, but failed sia. We act act like we lost like that, HAHAHA. Then saw meiying and meiting, disturb meiying with junmin. aww. hehehe, I talked to lerwei sia! I say what, he step cute only and then got girlfriend and crap. Funny ^^ so went into the cricket pitch and sat on the grass and then thila bastard.
Thila : wah! zahidah, like only uh.
Me : -.-
Nadya, Kee & Weiyi : HAHAHAHA, got her ww what.
Me : no lah! anyhow, then kee leh. He tong, Weiyi eh? Junpeng bro. Nadya that darren dude :p
*then they busybusy talking about how come nadya got*
Then thila was like, " actually uh, wenwei deep inside his heart he feel hurt but then infront of you must act " -faces wenwei- " RIGHT WENWEI?" *smiles* "HI "
Wenwei : *waves back at thila*
Thila : Eh he said Hi sia. hahahahahha.
Me : Okay thila, Okay. I dont really care.
then suddenly the ball like almost kena my face yknow. From far dont know who kick.
Me : *getting ready kena hurt by ball*
Wenwei : -jumps for ball and grabs it-
Thila : WAH! the ball almost hit you sia, the soccer ball. Lucky wenwei catch the ball for you :p
Shes damn bastard all the way, hahahahaha. So I went off, I got a call from Ifaaf. Met her at the canteen, I sat down on the freaking circle table. I look straight only, its bestfriend. How lucky, He was sitting at the butterfly garden. I have no idea what he was doing there. The rest talking, I was also talking but I kinda stared at him since he's daydreaming looking somewhere. I caught him taking a glance on me, but a freaking fast one. Maybe he knew that I was looking at him. ooopz. Aron Ifaaf Khai and Amirah wanted to go off home. I didnt want to ._. And then suddenly I feel so alone. lool. Nono, not because of them. Like so extra uh, sometimes. I know they wouldnt want me to feel that way, so i just kept quiet. Had a bad tummy ache, been farting. AHAHAHA. seriously. so yeah, in my head *making scenarios* I was wondering if i took that train from the opposite chaichee there, confirm I can see salman and the rest and gang taking this bus. So I asked them to went there. hmm, amirah left. Ifaaf would have left and took 229 but the bus left her so she decided to stay, and yes. I'd be alone again, if there was the bus. hmm, whatever. Took the bus, sat one corner. Ifaaf and Aron behindbehind. When near the junction, I see Jem and he's gang. ZOMG, so cool right. I meant that was what I wished for but then they didnt board the bus luckily. Heh. So yeah, My double deck drove pass them, and Jem already smiled at me. Amal like damn pedo gave me that smile, So cute! Then Salman act shy. And then again in my head, Im like "please bus, catch up with wenwei" So yeah, Bus stopped at our school. I thought shaziq was there but he wasnt. Then got darren, I swear I wanna avoid him. and it works. woo, so yeah. The bus drove, and then Ifaaf changed sit and sat behind me. Shes like, "OMG LOOK ITS HIM" yknow when we want to cross over from the prata shop with no traffic light? He was there, he looked up. And was like smiling to his other friend. I guess Jessica or Something. Never bus stop only. JUNMIN & DANIEL. HAHAHAHHA, so yeah. Junmin and daniel like gossiping about me sia, wtf. Look look and stare. Then tarmidzi so weird go smile at me and wave somemore. Like flirt like that, and then when we got off the bus. MEIYING LISTEN TO THE CONVO.
Im like, " Junmin! wheres meiying? "
Him : *covers face* *smilesmile*
Then want to board already, I was behind him. So im like,
" Junmin! You like Meiying right? HAHA"
Him : "Nooooo.. Me and Meiying friend only uh"
Me : "Friend? no lah! you guys bestfriend right?"
Junmin : " YA YA bestfriend *happy tone*
and then I laughed. AWW, So sweet. In my heart Im like, " if meiying know confirm she happy de" then i went back home and Im here. woo! Okay time to go for tuition, byeeeeeeee!
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