It gets harder, everyday.
Thursday, 4 August 2011
HiHiHi! Today, was kinda good. Well for me, hahaha. So yeah, I woke up had sahur and then head off to school, took the train and then I stopped by at kembangan. Idk, My instinct told me too, and Today the things that I prayed for really came true. Shhh. Secret. Thank you, allah. :)
I walked as pernormal, then once I reached his house. I saw a blue shirt near the gate, and Im like shit! He must be there. So I rannn, all the way like a mad woman. And I reached school, I sweat like a pig. So I sat with Meiying told her exactly what happened, and Im right. He came after me. phew. So yeah, Assembly was like awkward. Well as always, I was facing him. well abit, cause I turnturn behind talking to Ng JiaHwee, So yeah, I turnturn, He did too. I have no idea why, i mean. suddenly, I give him the o.O look. lool, he was like. o-O something like that, then we both look away. Salman started talking to me and crap. pewpewpew! hehehe, and then yeah had mother tongue walked super slow after the bell rang, and then yeah he walked the other way when Junmin and Lerwei walked towards me with his other gangs. oooo. Mischevious. Had IH, and crap. Recess, All of us headed to the Cricket pitch. Whole sec2 malays were there, well. yeah, only the closest ones uh. Had PE, and then after PE. well. I wanted to walk straight with the rest, Something told me to walk and turn left. To just walk pass his old science class? Luckily got adnan, so yeah I walkwalkwalk. I thought he's class would be Idk. Physics? Since Meiying told me. Then yeah, I turned. He was sitting down outside the class, kena punished. I looked and then he looked. Both looked away, again. Then I ran to Adnan and purposely disturb him. I think the 213 people all look, cause like quite loud. He was with Amal outside. Adnan bastard, and was like, " suke jer eh, wen wei wen wei" I ignored and walked away then I finally freaked out. lolz. So yknow my maths class was the opposite of his? And yeah, I sat down leaning against the wall. Looking through the window, But he cant see cause he was outside till a few minutes later teacher asked him to come in, and then he was super close to the window. ohhyeah~ why must the freaking trees block?! then since Ifaaf was beside me. Our convo went like this.
Me : Ifaaf! tu tu tu! He's thr. AWW, look at his hair. So cute.
Me : BHB. *looking at the window pretending to talk to him* Heyyyy baby.. I like you, *pedo face* Turn around *winkwink*
Well, he was facing teacher so he didnt see. Then..
Me : Raises one hand up *wanting to wave* at the same time, He *turned*
He saw me outside and quickly look back.
Ifaaf : ... ==" HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA, OMG HE SAW THAT. well lucky you didnt really wave at him. AHAHHAHAHA, omgomgomgomg.
I couldnt concentrate in class -.- Thanks to his class beside, yaaay! He sit near the window, I can see his boucy hair, colour brown from my window. Izak and caleb was like, " WHO U LOOKING AT?! " then I actact. I think he couldnt get over the fact that he saw me up :P CHEH, then he moved his seat right infront. LOL. hahahaha, Meiying and I texted for awhile and crap. I had enrichment, and so yaaay! 213 and 203 mixed. Cause we begged the teacher that the NT and Express couldnt really work well. hehehe, they superb noisy I swear. And then at first, Salman was like super blushing. Im so glad that he didnt come during that enrichment. OH! before that, I went up the fourth level, then Johan and him there. I was smiling at johan at first till i saw him, and I quickly hide and went up. loooool. He told Johan something or something like that? wth. In 213's class, I disturb salman, im like " Salman, i sit with you uh? ;) " HAHAHA, then Jem and Amal was like, " CHEH SALMAN SEI " then what, he blush. HAHAHAHAHA, Meiying and Jiahwee bastard say cannot see the skin colour. LOL. Jem sitting opposite me, but not directly yet I could still see him. He's super cute, disturbing me and shit. Since the start of the enrichment, Amal also! So cute yknow. Goodlooking, I likey. Jem really likes Juliana, no kidd. hehehe, But Juliana likes Huzaifah. Whyyyyyy oh' whyy. Cant believe salman asked me to walk with him to bedok inter? In the end I went with my girls to kembangan. yeah! I reached home, I swear after I read amirah's message with him, I could feel his guilt. Instantly, he's mood killed him, after amirah talked it out. whoa.
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