It was only a dream but it seem so real.
I had the most realistic dream in my whole entire life, and I swear it was the nicest dream ever. It wasnt like the full kinda type, but really. It was like a really quick one. It looked so real. Before I was asleep, I guess I thought about him or something. So yeah, It was weird because It started off in a taxi blahblahblah. We both were very sure that, we really got over each other. and then We started to exchange our phones for no reason, well I found his phone something like that. The first thing I checked into his phone was vivian's messages. Apparently, There isnt any of her messages, He grabbed my phone and then he was like playing with it? I kpo, I check his phone and go back to the browser and I saw his phone wallpaper was me o.o I mean, yknow like Jiahwee's phone can slide here and there to change the background? yup. Like that, the first picture was some lame cartoon or something the second one also, then the third one was my picture. I scroll somemore it was mind. I was like shock, since he was sitting beside me in the taxi, I think amirah was beside me and then I started to show her. o.o And for no reason I suddenly gave him a peck on the cheek. He looked away. And I turned away like O.O shit what did I do that for. And we got off the taxi at my house, cause we were all suddenly sharing taxi and one by one get off. We both didnt speak and then, I suddenly brought his phone away back home. whoaaaaaa, and then I woke up. Its 2pm, shitz. I check my Itouch suddenly, got my twitter someone mention me about wenwei. WHOA, SEE. its like.. link like that. ._. I hope my dream would be real. Theres somemore in the front that happen, and then I screamed and smiled to myself. arggh. #sonice.
I wanna video tape it, and re-watch it again. damnit.
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