First day of school, term 3 ! :)

Bestfriend pm-ed me the other night, we talked. But whenever i start talking about how 'happy' his life is without me, He'd either change the topic, forget about it or make excuses. Apparently he still knows me quite well despite everything we've been through. Sometimes, All i wanna know is the truth. Dont you miss us? Dont you ever want to see us back as bestfriends again? Maybe this time, It'd be different, since we're more 'matured' and stuff. Maybe, It could be better? Maybe, he just wants us to stay like this. Since he's happy. Im always telling my side of the story, I told him the hard cold truth. I wanna hear his, but He'd get annoyed with me anyways.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Woke up, Darren called me for a wake up call. wee, How nice of him. Reached mrt, Saw Darren so unexpected hopped into the bus and we starting talking crap. hahaha, he's been there all along nice guy. I saw Ifaaf, she gave me the pedosmile. she was the second person, I saw in the first day of school. So Mader, *ignores* And I smiled at Huzaifah, ahahhaa. Seriously, I was so happy today. Reached school, the school thingy was a bitch cause dont want teetteet me finger. Walked to the canteen, Hugged Ben! Daddy. Hahaha, he's so nice. hug qistina, didn't. While I was hugging Thila, I saw him. From the side, yes saaa! Succeeded. Didnt look at him, wooo. So yeah, I thought bestfriend was gonna come. But he didn't. Gladly. Bell rang, headed up to the hall. Sat down, with the china guys from 202. Hahaha, 3 of them were like so afraid of me cause I was creepy. hahahaha, I know I am. Well lookie here, who just sat almost at the same row as me? well yeah, him. It was weird because he asked Jem to actually sit infront first, when he didnt want to. Okay.. whatever. I didnt turn my head just to look at him, I turned cause zakiyah was trying to talk to me. But yknow, when you make one round you can still see his face. gosh. So, blahblahblah assembly, I was dead bored okay. Like literally, can die. hahaha, So yeah. Miss tan was talking to zakiyah, whom was behind me. I kpo mah, I look at miss tan. He did too, then yknow when u wanna look down again and turn back to face the front you gotta face straight right? Yeah, we both looked into each other for like idk. 10seconds? omg, his eyes. haish. I tried to snapped out of it so, I didnt talk about it. First period was maths, super boring. I sat beside JiaHwee, can choose seat ^^. Mother tongue, me and Ifaaf was being like super horny. Talking about Cikgu emelda being a pumpkin. omg, she looks like one okay? hahaha, mean. Recess, uhm. Sat down at the usual place, zomg. Patrick kept on looking, gah! Oh, he has a crush on me. Willing to wait, until Idk. till im with him? which will NEVER happen. He walked pass with his gang, I didnt look, couldnt be bothered too. cheh. D&T, I got this teacher. Uhm, Johnny Wee? He so fun, really. He always ride a bike to Kembangan. So cute. So we had IH, okay this is the fun part. We were talking as always, sat beside Jiahwee and Ifaaf. Talking about them uh, Me and Jia hwee, I suddenly turned to her and asked. " I wonder, who are going to married with us " Weirdiest part it was random, cause we like BHB mah. Berangan sikit. But i wasnt expecting him. Then Jiahwee turned I turned too, omg. Guess who? Him. Do you know it always happen? whenever me and Jiahwee talk about him and his brother. Its either one of us talk randomly or think about them at the same time they appeared? yeah, like that. JiaHwee was like, wah. Fated liao. Im like, -.- okay... weird sia. Ironic, god please dont make it some false assumptions. I believe, If we patiently wait, maybe one day he'd come back. urgh. So Miss Lee, was talking about the government thing. If our government cannot be trusted how? Then she made an example, the example was, she actually wanted to make the example BGR. But then she say okay, how about bestfriends? One day, one of them lied to one of them then blahblahblah. I kinda had a tear in my eye, reminded me of my bestfriend. Ifaaf turned and look at me, " AH? what, i squeeze ur boobs then yknow. " Shit, I didnt know my eyes were teary. I think Miss Lee also saw. hahaha, so retarded. After that I got over it. After IH, I followed Jiahwee, to see one her ehem class. We findfindfind cannot then she's like, " AIYA, c-06 LA" then im like, maybe sekali they over there. then dont have when we walked past. Suddenly, BAM. Her ehem came out, See? Another same shit happen, Talking about him probably she was thinking about him and he appeared in my face. and was like, " SUP " I swear I froze there about like Idk, quite long and then Im like O.O "err hahaha sup. hahaha " then i smiled, I think he asked " why so shock?" or something like that. I saw Joshuah, god I miss him. School ended and yeah nothing interesting happened. Sent Ifaaf and Jiahwee to swimming and me and amirah started going out on our 'date' hahaha. Bestt :)
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