Here we go again.

Read from mine to irfan's.
This idiot. since yesterday yknow he disturb me, lool.
& yeah, he was replying to my status.
If only the guy i like/care feels like this :/
I mean, you know.. okay nvm. So basically, today. I decided to talk to bestfriend, I dont know. i just miss him. okay, alot. Like alotalot. & I thought it would be a good start for June. Since its my month, haha. I seriously dont know something just asks me to talk to him. Okay so, yesterday night I went to Aliah's house. There was this awkward moment at first, till she talked to me about some girl. ohgawd, made me rofl. I started asking her then, about how she knew bestfriend. ye eleh, then after that while we were talking. This aliah, she so stupid. Went to text him and told him, I was at her place. blahblahblah, Aliah asked him a few questions, and he thought it was me. -.- please. She doesnt even allow me to touch her phone. Aliah was like, EHH!! AKU NAK KORANG BAIK BALIK :( CONFIRM CUTE. im like.. hahahahaha, okay.... you and i both know it wont happen.
Dear bestfriend,
You asked. Why all of a sudden i talked to you. Well, lets just say. I think about you, alot. I miss you so much. and I wanna know hows your life without me, I bet its awesum and fine. I bet, its wayy much better. Further more, you got other chicks around you to entertain yourself with. You're popular now, within your longboarder friends. I bet you text people 24/7, with your other girlfriends aye? yeh, okay im jealous. Did you know, i still read back our old conversations? yesterday night, I was trying to sleep, but those words were still in my head. I saved them, I read back the fights. and yeah, you were sorry and i wanted our life to be seperated. I just wish you put your ego aside, :/ you were always trying to make me jealous till then. 29march, the message you sent me, that actually touched my heart. well let me all put it in words.
you : "After everything, since the day you texted me while i was having my ngaji class. Those times where you brought me to, plaza singapura, by train to kallang and to the movies. When school reopened we went out loads of times, till i have no more money, i didnt tell you so that you wont belanja me. My birthday, you gave me a gift and the card, I kept the card till now. In my "piggybank". Yeah, I remembered everything. Guess it ends here, bye."
me : says something.
you : " I cant forget you. Dont you get it that i dont like to talk much, i pretend, yeah i do that. you're different "
guess, those were the last meaningful words i've ever heard. After that, all we ever ask each other about, was our life. Now this i dont get it, I mean. I asked you, if you said you wanted to live our life seperately, it was a yes and a no question. and you answered me with an "IDK" ohgod. Kill me already. My bestfriend thinks, my life aint screwed up cause I have replacements. And i make friends easily cause im a flirt, whoa. Yknow what? no one can replace you, and no im not a sweet talker, my life changed alot when theres no you and him around. Im pretty much a loner too myself, I dont text that much and sometimes i feel like i wanna throw my phone somewhere, its just too quiet. nothing is the same anymore. yeah, i may regret. But idk, maybe youre just regretting it now cause you dont Jarett by yourside :/ treasure your friend. Couldnt believe you remembered my birthday too. remember your promise? cookie monsterrr. hahaha, kidding. Probably you think imma' slut now. Idc. forget it, Feelings change people change, only memories stays the same.
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