
So i went out with Syazwan and Aliah today, He's so annying i swear. Aliah also. She idiot, keep on saying me and him cute couple. WTF, we're fucking ex's. SHEESH, Ohr wait. She jealous laaaaa, totally understandable. Wah, they both so sweet o.o want see the pictures? HEKHEK, cannot. I was there, being all FOREVER ALONE. lol-ed. I cant believe syazwan know about, I liking bestf? When i dont, I DONT I DONT. I fucking dont laaaa, Not even for him. Just scared, the feeling would be the same again. okay zahidah, its been. 8 months. single, whoaaaaa. world record ah siol. lol k minah. 30th is coming! So, uhm yeah 8months single laaah. & 8 months friendship with bestfriend. we only survived for........ 4 months. fuck it. I've been sleeping at 4 to 5 in the morning lately, too much thinking. While both of them, no trouble sleeping. At all, i mean.. guys, you know. Unless if they still care, which i doubt so. Every night, I'd text michele.*giggles* The only dude, I text at night. So pathetic, I know. Woop, zahidah you're such a loner. wee. Okay bye.
Dear bestfriend, Im trying okay? trying to get over you, which i did. But, Im just afraid that in school, once i see yours and his face again. That fucking feeling would be the same. damn it, In'syallah it wont. gahhhhhhhhhhhhh! fuck you, just talk to me again so things would be the same as before. fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou, text me when you get back can? :/ lool. whatever zahidah.
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