that smile. gosh, irreplaceable.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Early in the morning, blahblahblah. Skipped everything. I woke up, and I prayed. I pray that today, hopefully would be a good day for me. & Apparently it was. Amin. I tell you okay? So i went to the canteen, I searched for my friends like some retard and I didnt managed too, so instead I walked past him and his gangs. lool. Assembly started, so yeah. I sat infront i meant, middle. As always, I know he was gonna sit behind. But i guess wrong. So apparently, Ifaaf was infront at first, then yeah. amirah was beside, she went off after that to go to erm. Duties? So i moved up, And apparently he did too, -.- annoying much. I was at the same row as Salman! he and I were like talking using hand signs. So dope, He was behind. Duh, everytime. So yeah, talkedtalked. So funny, cannot tahan. blahblahblah. First period was Literature, Super boring to the max the teacher fierce like crazy forgot her name. Mother tongue, berangan and like didnt pay ANY attention. Recess, uhm ahh. Yeah, Patrick was still looking, like whaaat. While i was walking down the stairs, He walked pass infront of me. wtffffffff. English, you know whose class was beside mine? Bestfriend's. wtf. then next next was His. English, teacher was like super fun. We talked about sexual stuff. Bisexual and all, lool. So we had to go to maths, and.. erm. Yeah, we walked to his direction, but before that I didnt know. Jiahwee walked back to me and was like, ZAHIDAH. 213. im like shit, then i walked passed saw Salman. lool-ed. He made that face, i didnt see his. Weirdly. Home, was assembly was the thingy. Music, I was distracted. And again. I sat right infront, cause girls and guys had to be separated. Me and Ifaaf And Thila headed to the hall, holding hands and yeah. I was walking, Saw him. I make one round, He saw me too and looked up. LOL. Ikr stupid. So, anyways. I sat infront, he did also -.- waited for Salman, But before that me and Jiahwee made a bet. He sat in the middle, not at my row or anyone else. wtf. But it was halfhalf, cause yeah. So I was talking crap with Ifaaf and all other bull shit. He was directly infront of my face, vertically. He could see me, I could see him. Just nice, a freaking gap in the between. Like it was made for us. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. Omg, Im so BHB and prasaan. But its true okaaaaaaay. There was christopher, behind me but beside me, so to actually like 'look at him' I kinda talked to him making weird heart shapes and yeah, doing some stuff. He was freaked out, duh. hahaha, He's eyes were on the stage. Concentrating and shit, then suddenly I caught him laughing. OMG THAT SMILE MOTHERFUCKER SO CUTE LIKE CRAZY SHIT YKNOW. then i smilesmile, to myself. Ifaaf was like shuddup laaa. I smack ur face. I think something like that. HAHAHA. so yeah, I was talking to christopher, and I was looking at him at the same time. He turned, I caught him taking a glance when i caught him, he turned back like quickly. then i started smiling, OH i had this heartshape paper, I wrote down stuff. And yeah, Showed to christopher, his like.. tell him uh! GO GO GO. im like, nah. Its complicated. blahblahblahblah, then after school. We headed to erm, trop? yeah, I saw salman, I swear I didnt see him. till i walked ahead, and im like.. okay.. so where do we wanna go? once i was at the table, he tried avoiding and shit, he wanted to head off. It was obvious, blahblahblah, I said bye salman, when i also wanted to go at the same time. -.- I was near the freaking tree in the middle, scratching my leg. discussing where to go, Salman and Him was still there he wanted to head to school back but we were kinda blocking, From my side view. Obviously he was looking, then I turned im like. HUH? what la salman, then he said something. Salman and him then laughed. im like...... okayy.. Amirah and Ifaaf, was making it obvious. But its okay, over it. Something happened with me and Jiahwee otw back. LOLOLOL. our 6 sense damn good, I SAW LUCAS CHIA MAN HON. OMG. lub him, cheh. kidding. okay byee~
bestfriend didnt come today, hope he's alright. hahaha, :)
I guess everyone deserves a second chance eh?
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