

Apparently. I wrote my status first then he wrote it. I mean, was he trying to hint me or something? Or, replying to me? Oh wait, there's more. Okay my whole purpose is, why.. I mean, Im trying so hard to forget but It doesnt wanna leave my mind. So first off, I was looking through his Brisbane picture. There was this CookieMonster picture, omg damn fluffy lahh please. So cute somemore, cannot tahan that I had to liked it. hehehe. The second picture about eating at Mcd' who the hell would place the time? I mean, You could have just said " Going eat mcs at tamp mall with my brother" thats all, I mean. Unless if you wanted someone to visit you or something then, I think its more appropriate to place the time. The first one, the one i said I was looking through his pictures, it sure reminded me of the times we had at Plaza Singapura. Watching movies and eating swensens. kzahidah, dah dont emo already. & then a few seconds later he wrote it. Anyways, I'll talk about today.

Friday, 25 June 2011
Early in the morning woke up, facebook for awhile and saw that. Above me, Rushed to meet Amirah and Ifaaf. So i was walking, to starbucks saw amirah then, My mum asked me to go McCafe since she thought theres space. As Starbucks doesnt have any, me and amirah walked. Outside the glass door I was staring, and im like, AMIRAH. is that.. shaziq? then i opened the door and yeah, it was him with some other little guy. hahahaa, in my heart? fuck. how come he's here? and then amirah was like, EH COOL AH. after we left, blahblahblah we were walking to tampines inter mac, to see if there was space to study actually. There wasnt. On the way there, out from the shop. Guess who i saw? Shaziq's brother. LOL. I was like, EH shaziqs brother. I didnt realise my voice was on loud speaker, then i straight away covered my mouth. He turned im like, oh shit. Amirah laughed. -.- hahahahhaa. Epic. When to texas chicken in the end. got space ^^ He texted amirah saying, my brother said you laughed at him. Something like that, we didnt. sheesh, tertegur. then blahblahblah, I was kinda wondering why, he didnt text me instead since we're 'friends' then I got over the whole thing. Like really, we met loads of other people. So dope, hahaha. so i went back home, after that. woo~ shiok. Go tuition then came back, saw the freaking timetable. It clashes with his. well most, but I aint giving no shit. *cross fingers* really. gah, school is coming so soon, i am excited. But not really, I dont want drama and shit to happen. So yeah, good luck to me. shit laa, why he no repair his phone? then at night who want accompany text me :/ gahh! okay whatever. shh zahidah, you cant make it obvious.

Im actually not over it


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