Cant help myself.

I still remember, one of those times. When I cried, I have no Idea for what reason. You were there, you asked but I didnt tell you. And you scolded someone for actually, doing something to me. How protective, I forgot. But you were there. Would you still do that? If someone were to bully me again? :/ I remembered the last few words you said, that I would 'forget' you. Oh god, how i wish I could remember what you said. The only thing I remembered was ' :'/ ' when you said all those things.& wah, i thought now you finally had a girlfriend. Damn, Im almost happy about it till Jiahwee said its fake. booo. When someone is in your heart, they were never truly gone. They can come back to you even at unlikely times.

Tuesday, July 5 2011
Hii, im at home. Sick and like really sick. Fever like fuck, Yesterday I dont know I got have a mind to text bestf. And then i know he doesnt even wanna talk to me. SOO, I might as well ignore. Today is tuesday right? OHH, Im suppose to clash with his class and bestfriend class. Im so glad I didnt, pheww. Tomorrow also not going to school, Im gonna sleep like a pig. Anyways, Have you guys fell in love with your bestfriend? But probably, you didnt tell him because you dont want to ruin the whole friendship thing? Then what if one day, something stupid came in and ruined your whole friendship, months have passed you guys didnt talk didnt Idk, Do anything to make it work. Well, you did. But looks like, he has so much pride and ego, He didnt. You've been thinking about it all the time, wondering if he had. Probably not, cause he doesnt care right? Then one day, someone helped you out and in the end both of you guys become friends again. Just friends, as things were okay those pass few weeks and days. Suddenly, he texted. ouch, going back to square one. Strangers. Yeah, you put all the blame to you cause all you had to be was Jealous. you didnt tell him the reason at all why you guys fight, yupp, Not until this day either. Then now you see him with some other chicks, being 'brothers and sisters' just hoping it would be the same again. pshh, hopeless. okay dah, thinking about this makes me even more sick. *dances* yaaay, no school tomorrow no need to see everyone faces. yaay, no need to worry about school work. yaaay, no need to go for pal also yaaay.

Just so yknow, this feeling taking control of me.


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