Im sorry, im not as pretty as her.
Friday, 29 July 2011
OHFUCKYEAH, tomorrow 9month single babies! 3 more months till fucking one year. woo, *dances* Anyways, lets talk about today. So skip everything, I went into the canteen, walking like a boss. The whol group there, stare like nobody's business like that. Even Salman, So yeah. Talked to ben, and when I was hugging ben, I looked at him. He was looking, oops. Awkward, so I pretended to daydream at his direction. So, Assembled at the parade square, me and Amirah were talking about stuffs. And yeah, sat down settled in, turned to my left. YAY! not him. But Salman. hehehe, and then right infront of Jem its him. So clear my view from here, when he wasnt looking I was admiring him from afar. what... we girls always do that. sheesh. So first period PE stand up, and then Mr zhang ask us to do the test and then sit at the foyer around there, wah fuck. His class was there, and then im like, "SHIT" see lah, this Jiahwee influenced me already. So yeah, Teacher asked us to do grap our bags and like head to the Parade Square, I walkingwalking holding hands with Ifaaf. Well, I got a sneak peak of him. Weirdly, EVERYONE in his class was looking at our class for like making noises and shit, except for him. He was looking down or most probably at the teacher. When im typing this(friday), He just talked to me. what? So after PE, We walked pass his class. Well, sort of purposely. Cause English, we can be slightly late. He was sitting down when I walked pass, while the rest already got up. I looked at him and then walked away, He was making weird noises? As there was Salman behind him. Gahh! blahblahblah, After school. Didnt get to see him, so yeah. Whatever. :B So i was walking out with amirah and the rest. Got jun! He was like SO FUNNY. seriously. Okay so before that, Jun was holding his dick? o.O he placed his hands at his.. yea. Then Maezel and Ifaaf like pushingpushing each other then Maezel accidentally push WenJun. then Jun face was like cramped, cause Maezel went to push at his.. ya. Then all of us laughed, Jun was like, "DUDE?!" Superb funny. So yeah, we all tried to squeeze inside bus 222, Me Ifaaf Maezel & Amirah. Then after going in, I was like stuck near the door, then there was still one place left. Jun.. He went in and like squeeze in, His friends were like, " EH JUN DONT GO OUT " blahblahblah. Jun was like, " I meet you at the other busstop " *door close*
*wenjun stuck near the door* *me near the ezlink thing*
Jun : *teetteet*
Me : Jun! hows you and...
Jun : who?
Me : Ng Jia..
Jun : Jian hao? whose that?
Me : -.- NG JIA HWEE.
Jun : ..... we dont talk anymore..
*awkward silence*
Jun : ANYWAYS, how's you and my bro?
Me : uhm. nothing.
Jun : nothing? rightt..
Me : uhm nothing. ya rightt..
Jun : right....... nothing.
Me : He's just annoying.
Jun : shit! I shouldnt have tap my card, *place card at reader*
Me : Oi! okay already la.
Jun was stuck, thinking the door wont be able to open. He's like, oh shit im gonna be in here. shit shit shit, since it was already at his destination. Then the doors finally open and he went off. lol. stupid boy. hehehe. Me and Amirah went out together after that, with potato. It was funnn, We talked alot, Laughed alot. Its been awhile since me and amirah had those kind of conversation of our own without Ifaaf. Its weird, but both of us seem alot better without her sometimes. Anyways this past few days, I swear. I have no idea, why I kept crying over it. Im suppose to be happy right? Happy, that he has found someone else. Whose probably a few kilometers away. Is this finally the time, that I would finally let go? He seems so desperate for those pretty ladies.
Well, Im sorry im not as pretty as them. Im sorry, I have to be such an annoying person to be with. I try, I promise I would. To not interfere with your life anymore. To not give a shit anymore. And please, Doesnt mean Im close to your brother I would tell him everything right? Looks like you dont trust me anymore. The thing that hurts me the most is that, you talked to every single one of your exs. Except for me, I mean you even talked to zakiyah, for god sakes. You forgave her and shit, but not me. I dont know, it just hurts. okay? Its like, Im invisible and you'd only talk to me if you need something. Fuck you once, and fuck you twice.
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