Every single time.
Just because, I still talk about him doesnt mean Im not over it. Well I am, by that I meant. I dont feel anything when he's around.
Now all that's left of me, is what I pretend to be, so together but so broken up inside.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Hi! omg, 5 more days till fasting month? So fast. woo, Im gonna pray hard. And hope god grant my wish on that awesum suci month, amin. So early in the morning, I woke up late. Well, still early and I head to McD's at Pasir ris. So in my head while I was in the MRT. Im like, "should I stop at kembangan? but I lazy walk, and I dont wanna bump into him either" So I decided to stop at Bedok in the end. At the canteen, I sat with Meiying and Meiting. So I makan makan my hashbrown, then I talk like nobody's business like that. Then im like, "eh meiying, frog never come right?" she's like, "there~ he just walk pass" We made a burnbook after that, when Ifaaf came. So we went up the hall from the otherside cause Mr.ryan neo was there, hehehe. So go up. Then I sat down already, then stupid latecomers must sit infront then must move back, turn to my left got his bloody face. Shit. So yeah, madam shanti talktalktalk, *resist myself from looking* YAY, i passed... wait. Not really, cause after madam shanti called out "Zakiyah" Me and him turned the same time our face like o.o thats cause both of us wanted to find for her, whao. Lasted for about 2minutes, thats cause I turned away. Like paiseyh, I smiled to myself. Nobody saw that. Hehehe. After that, walking to PAL. He was talking to Idk what teacher, with salman. So he was at the Hall. I walked away, so noisy like crazy I turned behind to check it out. His face damn cute sia! like ^-^. Turned my head quickly, and like shiok sendiri. So cute siol. Seriously, Adnan was infront of him, so I can only see his head. HEHEHE. blahblahblah, Recess. Eatingeating, yayy! he saw me. Cause I makan then I stare at the staircase, cause Idk. I like to stare, then he pop up. First thing cause I was facing that shit. Science damn shiok! Super funny, I go wink at teacher, then He stare and laughed. LOL mr gua~ So I went to canteen after school, and then bell rang. Shit, he's from the cricket pitch. Walkwalkwalk, Madam rukshana ask me do this do that, then go esplanade~ skipskip. So yeah, we reached and then I was at the back of the class with Adnan, He put his hands over my shoulder cause nobody was behind. after like a few mintues I turned, I saw Thian WenWei. Wah, I damn suey yknow. Like everytime kena see his face, like fuck. Then dont know where he gone, Inside the freaking theatre thing, talk about the thing so long, Her accent like Jem. Filipino, Me and Ifaaf laughed, damn lol. And then 213 came in, Waved at meiying, cause she's in the middle. Like so cute only. Christopher talked crap, I lol-ed. That wenwei kept on moving his seat, So jialat. After that went terrace shit, Like so cool only. I walked pass want to go to the toilet, And the fucking immature bitches from 213 shouted Salman's name, And My nickname. Well, Im a fucking dope "zebra". OHYEAH, so proud. Im shouted back, " OKAY CAN." Queued up, then went down again this time to watch a performance. While waiting, 213 beside 203. Meiying sat beside me, Like around me. We talktalktalk, then wenwei was like, " eh meiying shuddup la" when I was the one talking. then He sit beside her. WHAT? LOL, Of all places ah. I was beside adnan, cause he and I disturbing each other. I kept looking at him with the "wtf-look" cause he damn kecoh with the chips. He and I looked at each other this time, non of us avoid he stared back. Adnan damn bastard he's like, "EH ZAHIDAH..... wah chei just beside each other say *in malay* After that Idk what I talk to salman, Then this Wenwei head blocking the shit out of it, Like when i talking this side he move same side and then the other. Like what? So i picked up the courage and tried to talk to him.
Me : wenwei! *no respons*
Me : WENWEI! *no respons*
*turn to look*
Him : what?
Me : CAN YOU MOVE UR HEAD? you're blocking the way, Im trying to talk to salman.
Him : *blahblahblah* *dont know what, I forgot. hehehehehe.*
While I was talking, I wanted to laugh, cause he's face damn cute and funny, like innocent like that. So yeah, I cannot tahan, I kept quiet face adnan and then I smiled and then laughed to myself. HAHAHAHHAHAHAH. During the performance, Salman kept looking at me. And tried to talk to me, Wenwei was beside him. Kpo, go see. yaaay, he faced me side :B whenever I turned to talk to Ifaaf. cheh, step. But Idk, Maybe the chair. I dont care, but the whole performace he's face damn.. okay nvm. Me and Jiahwee was like argueing over some cute guys whom she think aint cute. I bet if he were to grow up probably would end up looking like that Anson dude. hehehee. I likey.
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