Unhappiness engulfed me.
And I thought only girls make up nicknames for guys. Then now I kena, Zebra? BAIK. Nevermind, atleast he frog. Wait, he's ducky ): quackquack and Im kitty. remember Thian wen wei? Then always before school we'd walk together side by side, and then. we would pretend to go 'through' walls like we had super powers. And then you'd hug me from behind. fuckyou.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Had school, Daily routine. Walked up the hall after bell rang, quickly sat down. Turned and bam, he's there. hahaha, Kinda used to it. But then, he's one row behind me this time. During assembly, I sat beside amirah. She teased me with Salman. grr, saying that he always look at me. Im like, " alamak, aku nak dia tengok pat aku, bukan dier -.- haish " Amirah laughed. whaat? Then madam rubiah, was like scolding syazwan. Both of us same row, kind of. He look up, I also. I mean, who wont want to kpo right? I think i made it obvious, i kept looking down after that at him uh. He's face so berseri. HAHAA. omg zahidah, so melayu. anyways, after that we sat in the hall since we had PE. Our class released first, I was stripping. Then 213, havent got up. Idk what happen, then salman's ball or something roll out from them. But before that, i saw wenwei looking hehee. at me stripping. Sort of. Idk why, I just walked towards the ball. They ask me help them take. My shirt was half opened, like I was wearing my uniform all unbuttoned. Pick up the ball, step cool. Walked towards, Salman? Actually, I wanted to give Salman, But Wenwei ask me to give it to him. Since he's hands were wide open. I walked towards him, *serious face* Handed the ball, and his hand touched mine. *faints* Turned around, walked. Then mavis was like looking at the scene she's like, " wah zahidah, step cool uh." then her eyebrows went up and down. then i laughed, I freaked out. And luckily no one from them saw me did that, cause I ran towards adnan and screamed cause.. yeah yknow.. hehehe. During PE, omg. Salman kept looking at me, and then we had to fight against the other group uh. So I was like "k white there, black here." Thila was like, " ohh you only one that side uh.. *smilesmile*" Im like -.- TSK. THILA!! Do all that then we play, omg. I have no idea why i felt so nervous before, And then i halfway like want to mati like that. playplayplay, the freaking ball went to Wenwei. I chased after it, but didnt expect him to take it uh. He take the ball use his stick, and like playplay with it. Like avoiding me from taking. Then I like idiot like that follow him. In the end he's like, " klah klah, take it " He's voice. and he just spoke to me. And I didnt reply him back. Continue playing and shit, then yeah. Again same thing happen, but this time me and him didnt say anything. He just passed the ball. Omg! Lerwei pass the ball to me instead of Nadya. HEHEHEHEHE. Teacher was like, " k next time, blahblahblah when got 213 we cannot be here they take up our space " AIYA, they kpo lah. But before that during the game wenwei was like, " Ifaaf! I want to join your group " Shit, Ifaaf group my group then some malay guys come in join. So kpo, then were asked to go back :P So after that, we had english. I went long way, saw Jun. He looked at me and Jiahwee then after i knock on jiahwee hand to give signal he looking. He quickly look away. the face like wenwei like that sei! After that blahblahblah, Recess. I sat with Nadya all. Wah thila damn bastard, shes like. " Eh zahidah, sit the other side lah. Can see him, why u facing ur back on him? " Then Jiahwee also say so, she say he bought same food as me. Kpo kia. HEHE. celebrated nadya's birthday whole canteen, clap sia together. Wenwei extra, waving his hand high high. -.- then meiying came to me, she say she got tell salman. And he wont give up on me ): what? Then wenwei made up a nickname for me, Its called. "zebra" never mind, he got another nickname. "COCKCHIN" hehehehe, Ifaaf made it up. pro. After that we had lit! The teacher cheong never come, Miss christie took over. Me and Ravi were like talking. So here's our conversation.
Me : *making fun of ravi being jealous* BTW
Me : RAVI! do yknow salman likes me?
Ravi : *makes fun blahblahblah*
Me : I wonder how ww feels.
Ravi : K listen up, I bet wenwei's heart like on fire, I mean if he loves you. Of course he'd be like laughing together with the rest making fun of u and him. But yknow, whenever he hears ur name, with someone else. Of course it hurts right? & yes, we guys are good at hiding. Its like, he's wearing a mask to prevent you from seeing him sad and such. When deep down he's actually sad.
Thila : ....
Me : Nah, I dont think so. I mean, he wouldnt still have feelings for me anyways.
Ravi : oh ya! I got ask him before a week ago?
Me : uh what?
Ravi : I asked him , " eh wenwei ! I know who zahidah like "
Wen wei : " WHO WHO WHO WHO ?! " *engrossed to know*
Ravi : "You. " did you know he walk away then blush? but before that he's like "fuck off la ravi"
then he walked away.
Okay, that. Is super hard to believe. Ishine, I daydreaming. Idk, then Jiahwee was like, " 213! faster! I want see meiying, ah... good excuse " AHAHHAHAHA, then walkwalkwalk. Met Meiying and all. Amirah so slow! Then we makan at Pastamania, me and amirah. So shiok. Go this couple, go say " i love you, you love me" then me and amirah, talking about all the possibilities in life. Shes like, " zahidah you think so far uh? " Jiahwee also said that O.O good mah! ehehhee, k till then. texted jem and stuff, lololol. weird, I want more school please.
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