Say hello to goodbye.
After reading his messages in facebook, I guess he's reallyreally over me. I mean no feelings or anything, He had like two crushes? Weilin and Angel. What a flirt. hahaha, reminds me of me. I liking Cody and Michele. Whoa, two guys also o.O anyways, Ohyeah wait, he's single. And goodlooking who wont right? No uh, Not jealous or what. I mean, I feel guilty at the same time also, and I feel stupid. Like really stupid, thinking he still likes me or shit. But he doesnt. Its been 8months, zahidah. 8 months, I think i deserve someone better, Its not that I dont want to move on, its just that theres. No one? So im stuck here, with him -.- But nah, Everytime weekends. I'd somehow feel this way, Like Im really over him. I have no feelings for him, He's just a guy I met fall in love, got hurt and Idk. Its gonna stay that way. Im trying to cut down, talking about him. If people is gonna mention his name, or what so ever. Lets just, Try to smile and resist it. Or maybe, Ignore or something. Enough of teasing other people or what, I mean. In the end, people would tease you back together with his name. Ng Jia Hwee, favour. Dont talk to me about him, I mean can uh. But dont be like.... yaaa. Just, be like them. I wanna be a good actress. Heh. Might as well, I keep quiet uh. Im so tired now, I shall sleep. hehee, Nights! :)
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