Cause you're long gone, and moved on.

Oh hello there handsome. -insertsheartshape-
hahahahaha, okay so. I went to school today, & Yes. I'll blog about today.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Hii! So I woke up, blahblahblah. With Mum and Dad, so yeah. Sent me by car, holding class tee. People all stare, walao so paisei. So I walked in, saw ravi. Handed over in a harsh manner and walked away, hehehe. So anyways, In the canteen. Hugged ben, and this Amirah she damn dumb. Never see me, She thought I never come. So yeah, Amirah told me something and then. I was like, eh wanna go at hidayat there? then, She agreed. So we had to walk pass, his table. Amirah and I walked pass, and then He stared. I looked, rolled eyes. I walk first, loolz. Then Amirah, was like dont know what, she say "bird flu"? Then after that blahblahblah, Ifaaf came and Amirah told me. He talked to them. He told them, he's starting to eat fruits? Cause he got lots of pimples already. loolz. He likes Pineapple, Honeydew, Watermelon. And some other shit, OH! He hates oranges. hahahaha, ever since annoying orange. Ah! And he loves Durian. Which I hate. lool. Anyways, We went up the hall. Bell rang, And yeah. People are like, " zahidah! welcome back!" As always, I turned my head. Oh, look. He was there. WAH PIANG EH, everytime during assembly always like that. But beside me got, Salman. wah he damn idiot, Make fun of me and Jem. bastard. Then if not, He will make fun of me and him. So yeah, first period was mother tongue, boring. Me and Ifaaf, were looking through the timetables *giggles* Then Im like, " haish, Ifaaf. Nvm ah, I dont want "clash" with him uh. I seriously need to control, I cannot see him anymore " Ifaaf was like, " okay can :D " So bell rang, and I was walking the usual way, Never rush or what so ever. Since I know his mother tongue downstairs and he would go the other way. From level three walk down, then WHOLE gang there, Got salman. Oh and plus him. Im like, " WTF? I dont want to see then can see. I thought he go other way?! knn " Then I purposely la, never see him. Then salman was like, " ORPILLA" knn. I just turned and stared. And I saw him laughing together with amal. Funny uh funny. Cause normally, I look down he already there then this time he infront of my face. pro. Mei ying walked pass and hit my head with paper :P Then IH. I think i was being too noisy, teacher change my sit infront of caleb, wah I twice as noisy. hehehe. Shh. But still good girl, after that Recess. So i walked down from the near field there, had to walk pass his table. He came just in time to take his sit. Then I walk pass, I stared and salman. Wah salman gimme that cheeky look. He also kpo go turn and look. Then I smile and walk away. Blahblahblah had PE, damn slacked. Maths also got test, phew* I can do it. Science, This JIAHWEE UH. she damn retarded ah today, till teacher give us warning. She go put the sticky got put " zahidah love ------" then she say, " AH later the bro this class can see " Idiot. Then Dont know la, we talking talking talking, then Timothy and Su ying behind heard they were like saying " I wonder uh, Who ah. Within Jiahwee and Zahidah will get married first to the thian family" Im like JIAHWEE! and bby, point at me also. Too bad I cannot, Older one must get married first. Cheh, we damn bhb. Then got one thing this idiot suddenly got my mouth say, " SO? I am Mrs. ----- LOL" then im like shit. hahahahha, I wasnt thinking siol. Okay nvm, so after school. We walked. Shit, saw him. bby was like, EH! him le. Im like err. Then dont know what happen we go walkwalk then go constant k. Something happened there we makan then talk to auntie so nice. then blahblahblah, We chatting outside their house, then the bro come. Jialat. He was like, " are u guys still gonna stare at the pole? " Im like shit, My legs trembling sia. Then he ask, okay nvm I know stalking my brother. :D wah, I scared he tell. okay nvm. Anyways while i was going out, I saw bestfriend. Ouch, we both looked towards the same direction and then, I act like i never see. super failed. Recess damn emo cause of bestf, at constant K I damn emo. But Now im okay! hahaha.
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