Trust me, I wont forget you.

Remember all this? Sorry, I just had to.
From this.
To, uhm. Strangers.
I wonder If he still knows the little details about me. I can't believe, I'm actually crying. I was going through facebook, yknow the once where you can click "see friendship"? I was going through all of it, well still 'liking' it. No not to get his attention or what so ever, But. I miss it, I miss every single one of it. & History wont ever repeat again. Thats what I hate. He use to care so much, so much. I feel like an total idiot. I miss this funny dude, whose always there. Always there, to cheer me up. And never fails too. I regret nothing, I mean. If thats his wish, to actually go 'separately' then, why not. How close we are? lets cancel everything, probably now its zero/10. How much I love you? Probably, remains the same. I feel super lucky, I mean after the whole break up with wenwei, you're like an angel probably sent to me, To make me smile to make me laugh to make me forgot about him. Then once I lose you, I guess my whole world suddenly came down crashing. I never told you but, All this while. Without you, lets just say Im a good 'actress' I pretend I can make it through without you. But really I cant. I guess having a guy bestfriend isnt 'everything' I got my girls to back me up. I love them, I do. But I dont know, really whats wrong with me.
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