Keep holding on?
Every single fucking day. Fucking wwt. ugh. My parents always say, " Kalau hati dah suka, Tak kisah pun benda benda yang lain " Correct siool. Okay so I'll blog about today. Happy 9th Monthsary baby. Hee, If we were still together, I swear I'd love you right.
To bestf, Get well soon. Brusied waist. Swollen knees. Burnt Cheeks. I told you to take care right? You never listen. Sorry, But I cant 'uncare' you. :/
Friday, 8 July 2011
Hi! So I woke up and blahblahblah, train-ed to school. Took double deck bus, managed to squeeze. I went up with Alif, and yeah got Potato! I knew amirah was behind sitting with him, So I never kpo. Im such a goodfriend please. blahblahblah, They damn noisy. Got Hidayat! Lil bro, so cute. They bully him. Sad face. cheh, so we all walked to the canteen. And something funny happen, Alif was infront and his bag was behind. I wanted to grap his bag, but instead I grab his butt? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. Then he turned thought it was potato but It was me :D Not purposely uh though. I was in the canteen, talktalktalk. Wah my friends bully me, Say what. Im with kennard la, Amarpal la, Aqil la. omg ): I only want him. So, Bell rang. Went up. I day dream ah. Waited for everyone to sit. And I knew he was going to sit infront since madam wanis was like pushing him. And He like diedie dont want sit you know, Then he sit so far from me at first yknow. He turned back, Saw Aisyah Mei ying all. He ask them to sit first, and guess what? Im all the way at the back. And now he's there. Always! Beside me. I turned to Amirah I was like, " see? Told you. " I damn hyper today. So I talked to Salman. Salman was like, " Jem and U " plus all the hand signs and the "geylang" what the.. Then I was like, " NO. I. like. u " With the hand gestures. His face damn funny siol, Like literally shocked. Then I laughed like some retarded woman, He was beside and He saw me talking to Salman. He kept looking at Salman. I have no idea, when he was talking my eyes kept looking at him. And his smile, omg. Made me smile. I was talking to Miss Parvin, Then he was laughing with Amal. I think because of something I said. Shit. lool. Then talktalk to Salman, all the way he made me laugh. He was like, " If not jem, umm. FROG?" Then I was like, " HA? FROG? " So loud bodoh, I think he heard. hehehe. Then Salman and Me first period same, PE! So yeah, He asked. Theres a fucking huge gap in between 212. Like, its made for me and him to see each other like that. LOL, no seriously. And My view damn direct. He was smiling I dont know at what joke, I saw him smile. & I think my heart just stopped beating. HAHAHA, zahidah so dramatic. But seriously! they went indoor sports hall after that. hehehe. Then after that, Had english. WAH, I kena bullied. In the Hall, Christopher and I were story telling, I told him and he's like.. " why do you guys wanna stay like this? " From the Hall, this Jiahwee. Called me wenwen. My new nickname -.- We talktalktalk suddenly the ehem was upstairs. Duh she was shocked. I went to him, step on this shoe and was like " thats for yesterday " Then, He kicked my leg and then dont know, he's stupid. Go stop behind our classroom door, and like looklook? But too bad, baby behind him. Dumbdumb. Anyways, Inside class. Teacher went down to take class tee. The whole class was quiet and bby was talking about them as always. We talktalktalk, Im like " EH *** ! " Then Idk I forgot we were talking about what married shit, Then She also la. Say I get married with him. Wah, I sabo her back. I shout to the whole class damn loud, " JIA HWEE MARRY WHAT? WHO? HA? WHAT? OHR, POLAR BEAR!" Then the whole class, " OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO " So loud, luckily when baby wanted to sabo me, Mine wasnt that loud. Ravi continued disturbing. After English was Rcecess, headed down. And yeah, He was facing the science room. Cause i went down from the other side, and I saw salman sitting beside him. And I was like, " Salman~~ :D " He looked at me, Smiled and was like, " Jem " Then I turned and said, " Kau merepek ah~ " Smiled again and walked away, omg. He smiled, and then he kept on looking at salman like that. Step only. hahaha, Literature boring. I keep on disturbing caleb. Ishine boring shit. hahaha, then after school. Heres the fun part. So, Me Ifaaf Amirah decided to walk to constant k, then got Ammar all. Ignored them, we walked bloody hot. Then reached MRT already, In my head. I was thinking about Bestfriend, Him and .. somehow baby's ehem. Stopped at bedok mrt only, guess who? The big bro, Joshuah, Ryan & Jingxuan heading to Simei to makan, I talked to Joshuah for awhile. Sad life, we drift so much. I kinda dont really want to talk to them that much now though. Something happened in the mrt, hmmmm. Dont wanna talk about it. Moving on. So we ate and shit, blahblahblah. Amirah suddenly said, " I think he's not over you yet, I mean maybe like once he see you, memories come in? Idk, thats what I think " "nah, I dont think so." Cause I was talking to them about him. Amirah actually asked him again, " Do you still like her? " but I swear I didnt ask her too or what so ever. He's like, " I thought I told you before? o.o " He didnt reply and quickly said, " brb cutting fruits? " Amirah asked again, about the fruits part. Then he respond. I mean he'd avoid all the questions. Me and Amirah made a bet, That If he does still likes me. I will belanja her below 20 bucks, and If He doesnt. She had to pay up. HEHEHEHE, see. damn pro. Potato was there all the way, So much laughter and shit. Cannot tahan. Im not putting up with this crap anymore, and besides. I guess, this feeling would be temporarily. Puppy love.
Haish, if only you realize. Sometimes the things you dont say actually hurts the most.
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