Now, you tell me.
Looks like all promises come to an end eh? zahidah, kau jangan nak banyak prasaan. Die dah tak suke kau, buat hal tak suke jer. Buat bodoh, takpayah nak kesah pasal die.
Monday, 18 July 2011
I'll skip to everything. Cause I forgot what happen when i was in school. So after school, we went to Kfc. omg, I started laughing at Jem's accent. Filipino. Oh god, cant tahan. So blahblahblah, walked in swimming complex, oh lookie here. He's there. In the pool. blahblahblah changed, went into the deep pool. I didnt know he was there, cause I couldnt see. So I just went in since Mr.wee say, Dont disturb the others. So I went in, at the side. I saw somebody swimming coming towards my direction, then that dude stopped. He was right infront of my face, but a few inches away. like whaat? Then he make excuse say, " CHER, cannot already lah " " Need oxygen tank? " *opens mouth* I laughed. Lol, then im like, " Swim lah wenwei, swim. " He's like, " diam lah "
Im like, " dont waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan~ " He asked meiying to go away, obviously so I could go away also what. Then he marah cher, ask why im here. Then the coach defended me say, " public swimming pool they pay what " Idk, It seems everytime I try talking to him, he ends up not responding or replying to someone else whose not even talking to him?! So after swimming, I got so pissed with Salman. I swear, I wanted to punch his face of. Until his head can crack to his original position. urgh. Idiot. I was walking, He went the other route. Or else, he wouldnt have walk there, Seriously. That time when i was walking with Salman. He walked behind me, duh theres salman of course and his other friends too. But then, Idk. Its just. Weird. I dont expect anything either. We met at the traffic light, I turned and I saw his face? So we were walking at a zebra crossing, I was like, " EH LOOK ! Zebra crossing " damn loud, He was behind, uhm. To make him sedar sikit. Im cool man. I turned back to mac, what? LOL. So he was there, I picked up my courage and erm. Walked up to Salman actually and scolded him. So yeah, after scolding salman I turned to wenwei I'm like, " OMG *raise hands wanting to smack his face like that* you so annoying " He looked at me, with those innocent face and was like, " what? " I took his fries and walked away with awkward-ness. HAHAHAHHAHAA. I cant get over it I swear. So we went out of mac, and yknow what? The train person, "kembangan" then Im like, " okay come lets go! can see ww. But he's at mac" talktalktalk. " eh look wenwei " Ifaaf said, He walked pass us. outside the train, im like WHAT? HOW THE. HE FLY? sialah, My mouth damn masin :P hehehhe.
Tuesday, July 19 2011
Woke up early. Came to school, look as dashing as ever. then blahblahblah, He didnt come to school though. Somehow my life became much at peace since he didnt come, & Its a good thing yknow why? maybe god knows that, today for me. Its gonna be a busy day, so I wont get to see him much, and might as well make wenwei dont come to school :P And Somehow its true, I didnt see 213 ever since, hahaha. Cause I was so busy with my buddies, I had malaysian buddies. They were so nice, and they are like only 17? and yknow after that whole thing, the malaysian dudes, Asked me to take a picture with them? Ikr, Im so chio. HAHAA, he's like " k jom jom amik gambar " then walked away, in the end also we got take. So its like weird uh, But they are damn goodlooking I swear and damn smart. One of them was like to his friend " eh eh! change place with me, i want to stand beside her " im like *blush* hahahhaa, he damn handsome. omg, we got free food and most of the time. We slacked ALOT. I went to airport with Jiahwee, we both made a bet to not purposely avoid or clash with them, make it come naturally. And yeah, we agreed. Lets just hope tomorrow is gonna be another ordinary day.
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